Invited talks and full papers

University of West Bohemia, Campus BORY, Plzen, Czech Republic

Invited talks:

WSCG'2001 Full papers - click on the title to get the on-line version of the paper


Room UP108 10:40 - 12:00
Carvalho,E.S., Teixeira,J.C.: An Application Model for Visualization of Natural Resources Management (Portugal)
Cossu,R.: Colored Visualisation for Numerical Modelling (Italy)
Čapek,M., Wegenkittl,R., König,A., Jaschke,W., Sweeney,R., Bale,R.: Multimodal Medical Volume Registration Based on Spherical Markers (Austria)
Frisch,N., Rose,D., Sommer,O., Ertl,T.: Pre-processing of Car Geometry Data for Crash Simulation and Visualization (Germany)
Additional files: DistanceMap.mpeg (4.8 MB), SpotWeldsNAdhesives.mpeg (12MB)

Virtual Reality & VR Interaction

Room UP104 10:40 - 12:00
Elcacho,C., Dingel,T., Klein,R.: Object-Centered Navigation in Virtual Construction Applications (Germany)
Li,N., Huang,Z.: Tour Into the Picture Revisited (Singapore)
Meister,M., Wüthrich,Ch.A.: On Synchronized Simulation in a Distributed Virtual Environment (Germany)
Warken,T., Schrömer,E.: Rolling Rigid Bodies (Germany)

Pattern Recognition

Room UP108 13:00 - 14:20
Bottino,A., Laurentini,A., Scalabrin,S.: Quantitavely Comparing Virtual and Real Draping of Clothes (Italy)
Feitosa,R.Q., Mota,G., Paciornik,S.: An Alternative Approach for Pattern Detection Applied to Materials Characterization (Brazil)
Romano,R., Vitulano,D.: A Multichannel Variational Model for Robust Image Segmentation under Noise (Italy)
Santos,R.V., Vellasco,M.R., Feitosa,R.Q., Simoes,M., Tanscheit,R.: An Application of Combined Neural Networks to Remotely Sensed Images (Brazil)

Surface Meshing & Modelling

Room UP104 13:00 - 14:20
Vanco,M., Brunnett,G.: Consistent Orientation of Segmented Models Recovered from Digitized Data (Germany)
Pedrini,H.: An Improved Refinement and Decimation Method for Adaptive Terrain Surface Approximation (Brazil)
Ruiz,O.E., Carlos,A., Cadavid,M.: PL-Geodesics on PL-Continuous Partial Meshes (Colombia)
Savva,A., Clapworthy,G.J.: The Relationship Between RATS-splines and the Catmull and Clark B-splines (Cyprus, U.K.)


Room UP108 14:40 - 16:00
Hladůvka,J., König,A., Gröller,E.: Exploiting Eigenvalues of the Hessian Matrix for Volume Decimation (Austria)
Kobras,D., Weiskopf,D., Ruder,H.: Image Based Rendering and General Relativity (Germany)
Sanna,A., Montrucchio,B.,Montuschi,P.: B2LIC: An Algorithm for Mapping Two Scalar Values on Texture-Based Representations of Vector Fields (Italy)
Satherley,R.A., Jones,M.W.: Hypertexturing Complex Volume Objects (U.K.)
Additional files: Hairlineclip-video(760KB), Melt1-video(195KB), Melt2-video(197KB)
16:45 - Breefing with the Lord Mayor of the City of Plzen - City Hall (for invited only)

Wednesday February 7, 2001

WWW Technologies & Hypermedia

Room UP108 9:00 - 10:20
Alexa,M., Berner,U., Hellenschmidt,M., Rieger,T.: An Animation System for User interface Agents (Germany)
Feustel,B., Schmidt,T.C., Marpe,D., Palkow,M., Cycon,H.L.: Compound Media Straming in Time (Germany)
Morales,C.R.: Development of an XML Web Based Motion Capture Data Warehousing and Translation System for Collaborative Animation Projects (USA)
Vierinen,J., Vuorimaa,P.: A Browser User Interface for Digital Television (Finland)

Computer Vision & Image Processing

Room UP104 9:00 - 10:20
Economopoulos,A., Martakos,D.: Component-Based Architectures for Computer Vision Systems (Greece)
Harrison,P.: A Non-Hierarchical Procedure for Re-Synthesis of Complex Textures (Australia)
Kauff,P., Brandenburg,N., Karl,M., Schreer,O.: Fast Hybrid Block- and Pixel- Recursive Disparity Analysis for Real-Time Applications in Immersive Tele-Conference Scenarios (Germany)
Labrosse,F., Willis,P.: Towards Continuous Image Representations (U.K.)

Computer Aided Geometric Design & Computational Geometry

Room UP108 10:40 - 12:00
Noser,H., Rudolph,S., Stucki,P.: Physics-Enhanced L-Systems (Switzerland,Germany)
Podgorelec,D., Žalik,B.: A Geometric Constraint Solver with Decomposable Constraint Set (Slovenia)
Bottino,A., Cavallero,L., Laurentini,A.: Interactive Reconstruction of 3-D Objects from Silhouettes (Italy)
Tobola,P., Nechvile,K.: Linear BSP Trees for Sets of Hyperrectangles with Low Directional Density (Czech Republic)


Room UP104 10:40 - 12:00
Hanna,J.R.P., Millar,R.J., Johnston,W.M.: Examining the Generality of a Behavioural Animation Framework (U.K.)
Nocent,O., Nourrit,J.-M., Remion,Y.: Towards Mechanical Level of Detail for Knitwear Simulation (France)
Tiddeman,B., Perrett,D.:Moving Facial Image Transformations Based on Static 2D Prototypes (UK)
Additional files: R186-Fig5.AVI(886KB), R186-Fig4.AVI(367KB), R186-Fig6.AVI(2,3MB), Original pictures (11MB)
Zakaria,M.N.: Interactive Evolutionary Approach to Character Animation (Malaysia)

Levels of Details (Algorithms etc.)

Room UP108 13:00 - 14:20
Boyer,V., Bourdin,J.J.: DEGRADE : A New Color Shading Tool (France)
Frédéric,T.Philippe,M., Christophe,Ch.: Fast Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces (France)
Germs,R., Jansen,F.W.: Geometric Simplification for Efficient Occlusion Culling in Urban Scenes (The Netherlands)
Ribelles,J., López,A., Belmonte,O., Remolar,M., Chover,M.: Variable Resolution Level-of-Detail of Multiresolution Ordered Meshes (Spain)

Computer Vision & Image Processing

Room UP104 13:00 - 14:20
Silva,R., Gomes,J., Mota,C.: Geometric Processing of Volumetric Objects (Brazil)
Triantafyllidis,G.A., Strintzis,M.G.: A Separate Least Squares Algorithm for Efficient Arithmetic Coding in Lossless Image Compression (Greece)
Wu,Q., Hintz,T., He,X.: Image Edge Detection in a Mimic Spiral Architecture (Australia)
Yang,R., Welch,G.: Automatic and Continuous Projector Display Surface Estimation Using Everyday Imagery (USA)
Additional file: Animation (40MB)
Thursday February 8, 2001

Radiosity and Parallel&Distributed Graphics

Room UP108 9:00 - 10:20
Kiran,N., Mudur,S.P.,Chandran,S., Dalvi,N.: Anti-aliased Hemicubes for Performance Improvements in Radiosity Solutions (India)
Martinez,R., Szirmay-Kalos,L., Sbert,M., Abbas,A..M.: Parallel Implementation of Stochastic Iteration Algorithms (Spain, Hungary)
Rigau,J., Feixas,M., Sbert,M.: Visibility Complexity of Animation in Flatland (Spain)
Addional file: Colour images (61KB)
Zonenschein,R., Gomes,J., Velho,L., Rodriguez,N.: Towards Interactivity on Texturing Implicit Surfaces: A Distributed Approach (Brazil)


Room UP108 10:40 - 12:00
Braun,N.: Interaction Approach for Digital Video Based Storytelling (Germany)
Sedgwick,E. and others: Toward the Effective Animation of American Sign Language (USA)
Theoharis,Th., Papaioannou,G., Karabassi,E.-A.: The magic of the Z-Buffer: A Survey (Greece)
Way,D.-L., Hsu,Ch.-W., Chiu,H.-Y., Shih,Z.-Ch.: Computer-Generated Chinese Painting for Landscapes and Portraits (Taiwan)

Global Illumination

Room UP104 13:00 - 14:20
Cerezo,E., Seron,F.J.: Synthetic Images of Underwater Scenes: A First Approximation (Spain)
Scheel,A., Stamminger,M., Pütz,J., Seidel,H.-P.: Enhancements to Directional Coherence Maps (Germany)
Szirmay-Kalos,L., Antal,G., Sbert,M.: Progressive Light Path Building (Hungary, Spain)
Szirmay-Kalos,L., Kovács,L., Abbas,A.M.: Testing Monte-Carlo Global Illumination Methods with Analytically Computable Scenes (Hungary)
Room UP108 16:00 - 18:00 IEEE / ACM Computer Science Curriculum 2001
Please, have a look on for the current working version of the CC2001
Panel board members:
Steve Cunningham: Computer Graphics in Computer Science Curriculum 2001, California State University, USA
Ioannis Kakadiaris, University of Houston, USA
Ewert Bengtsson, University of Gavle, Sweden
