C# and .NET Technologies'2003
International Workshop on C# and .NET Technologies
on Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Visualization,
Distributed and WEB Computing
Proceedings and CD ROM contents
C# and .NET Technologies 2003 Workshop
- Editor's Introduction (Czech Republic)
Chudinov,A., Roganov,V.:
Parallel Computing Runtime for .NET Framework
Farkas,P. Charaf,H.:
Web Services Planning Concepts
Grosso,A., Gozzi,A., Coccoli,M., Boccalatte,A.:
An Agent Programming Framework Based on the C# Language and the CLI
Guzev,V., Serdyuk,Z., Chudinov,A.:
MC# : An Asynchronous Parallel Programming Language for Cluster and GRID-Architectures
Hanak,I., Frank,M., Skala,V.:
OpenGL and VTK interface for .NET
(Czech Republic)
Hrnko,T., Kaspar,J.:
Cross-platform Communication Using Custom Channel Sinks
(Czech Republic)
Nienaltowski,P., Arslan,V.:
SCOOPLI: A Library for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming on .NET
Replicated Distributed Shared Memory for the .NET Framework
(Switzerland, Slovakia)
GCC .NET - A Feasibility Study
Introductory Physics Based Visual Simulation
Smlsal,T., Skala,V.:
DirectX in C#
(Czech Republic)
Steininger,P., Zuelch,G., :
Editing and Visualization of NC-Code in an E-Learning Project
[PDF ver.5] (Germany)
Uhlir,K., Skala,V.:
Implicit Function Modelling System - Comparison of C++ and C# Solutions
(Czech Republic)
Vecchiola,C., Gozzi,A., Coccoli,M., Boccalatte,A.:
An Agent Oriented Porgramming Language Targeting the Microsoft Common Language Runtime
Late papers or presentations
Issues In Introducing Micro-programmable Graphics Hardware Into the Animated Production Process
Object-Oriented Programming and WEB Applications Development
(Microsoft) - CD ROM only
Workshop supported by
Microsoft Research Ltd.(U.K.)
Microsoft CR
Univ.of West Bohemia
Pilsner Urquell