Efficient Region-Based Pencil Drawing

Sun,S., Huang,D.W.

This paper proposes an extension to the existing automatic pencil drawing generation technique based on Line Integral Convolution (LIC). The original LIC pencil filter utilizes image segmentation and texture direction detection techniques for defining outlines and stroke directions, and the quality of a resulting image depends largely on the result of the white noises and the texture directions. It may fail to generate a reasonable result when the white noises and the texture directions are not consistent with the texture structure of the input image. To solve this problem, we propose in this paper to improve the existed LIC-based method. First, a more accurate and rapid graph-based image segmentation method is introduced to divide the image into different regions. Second, we present a new region-based way to produce white noises and texture directions. We also demonstrate the enhanced LIC pencil drawing is closer to the real artistic style.