Mª Isabel Ramos

Profesora Asociada
Dpto. Ing. Cartográfica, Geodésica y Fotogrametría
C/ Virgen de la Cabeza, 2
 23071, Jaén, Spain

Francisco R. Feito

Catedrático de Universidad
1st line of address
Madrid, 35
23071, Jaén, Spain

Antonio J. Gil

Catedrático de Universidad
Dpto. Ing. Cartográfica, Geodésica y Fotogrametría
C/ Virgen de la Cabeza, 2
 23071, Jaén, Spain



In this work, in experimental phase, the digital elevations models (DEMs) appear as a fundamental tool for studying  erosion of the land in a concrete zone of agricultural production, olives production.  Collected data from the zone of study in different campaigns are used to determine possible variations in the orography of the land.  GPS is the used tool to measuring coordinates of points in the land due to the special characteristics of the zone of work.  This study is complemented with the analysis of those parameters that influence in the erosion of the olives land:  slopes and climatology.  A work of these characteristics as much requires of precision and reliability in the stages of taking of data of field like in the phases of treatment and management of the information, so such data will be integrated in a GIS so that it allows to interrelate all data, to modellling them, to interpolate and to extrapolate information as well as the possibility of visualising the possible environmental changes that they take place.