interface for web-deliverable realistic interactive 3D facial animation
Nicoletta Adamo-Villani Department of Computer Graphics Technology, Purdue
University |
Amit Chourasia Visualization Scientist UC San Diego MC 0505 |
Clark Cory Department of Computer Graphics Technology, Purdue
University |
We present a new interface
for producing high quality web deliverable interactive 3D facial animation. We
aim at providing visual artists with established 3D character animation tools
and techniques not currently supported by web 3D technology. Such techniques
are crucial to the creation of visually appealing web 3D content. We have
developed a production tool (the Web Facial Expression Editor-WFEE) which
allows: (1) animation of web deliverable facial deformations using optimal
animation methodologies such as single and multiple target morphing, reactive
animation and custom defined attributes; (2) applicability to most face models
developed in most commercial 3D software
packages; (3) support of any facial skeletal structure; (4) extensibility to
full-body animation. As the platform of choice we have focused on Maya 5.0 and
Macromedia Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio. However, due to its simplicity, the
interface is easy to implement on different platforms using other programming