B47: Enabling Gesture Interaction with 3D Point Cloud

Cook, H., Nguyen, Q. V., Simoff, S., Huang, M. L.

This paper presents a novel 3D point cloud gesture recognition system based on an existing low-cost, accurate and easy to implement 2D point cloud gesture recognition system called $P. Our work improves recognition rates and lower algorithmic complexity. We develop new 3D gestures such as the GUN gesture and the SHAKE gesture while also developing 3D poses like the L pose, OK pose, ROCK pose and PEACE pose for the LeapMotion Device. We demonstrate our gesture and pose methods on various 3D environments including a Monsoon mini-game, a cave painting interaction, a target practice scene. The average recognition rate for 3D gestures and poses were compared against the 2D, 3D and 3D+ recognition systems. The results indicate that most of gestures in the proposed system were improved in comparison the existing ones.