C17: Fracturing Sparse-Voxel-Octree objects using dynamical Voronoi patterns

Domaradzki,J., Martyn,T.

We introduce a new Voronoi-based method to fracture objects represented by sparse voxel octrees (SVOs). Our
approach is inspired by the pattern-based methods, however, in contrast to them, it doesn’t require pattern precomputation. Moreover, thanks to the octree structure, the surfaces of the fractured pieces of geometry are created efficiently and robustly. Every fracture pattern is unique and centered at the impact location. A novel islands detection technique is also provided, which is tunable to a desired level-of-detail accuracy. The fractured pieces, which are determined as a consequence of the object’s destruction, are represented by individual SVOs, and treated and simulated as rigid bodies. For this purpose, we also propose a new collision detection technique, which extends the previous image-based methods to voxels. As a result, deep penetrations of colliding objects, resolved on various levels of physics that can be specified individually for each pair of the objects, are handled in parallel with no extra cost. In order to demonstrate our technique, a number of scenarios are presented, including a partial fracturing of objects with fine details.