WSCG 2009

17-th International Conference on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision

 to be held at
University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Campus Bory
February 2 - 5, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009 Registration 17:30 - 21:00
Tuesday, February 3, 2008 Conference Sessions   8:30 - 18:00
Wednesday, February 4, 2008 Conference Sessions   8:30 - 18:00
Thursday, February 5, 2008 Conference Sessions   8:30 - 18:00

Conference dinner is to be held on Wednesday February 4, 2009

Preliminary conference program
(schedule can be changed without a notice within the day )

Tuesday February 3, 2009
Conference open
Sessions A, B, C, SH1, SH2, P1,
Keynote: prof.Min Chen: Visualization in Flatland, Swansea University, U.K.

Optional: BEER party planned

Wednesday February 4, 2009
Sessions D, E, F, P2,
Keynote: prof.Eduard Groeller: Visualization with Knowledge and Style, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
NVIDIA Presents: TESLA/CUDA in Applications, NVIDIA workshop and demonstration

Optional: Conference dinner planned

Thursday February 5, 2009
Sessions H, K, L, SH3,
Special session: Center of Computer Graphics - Presentations of four leading academic groups in Czech Republic
Conference close

Optional: Brewery museum visit planed
[remember Plzen (Pilsen) city is the city where beer was born - learn a history of that]

List of sessions

Session A

  • Ripolles,O., Gumbau,J., Chover,M., Ramos,F., Puig-Centelles,A.: View-Dependent Multiresolution Modeling on the GPU
  • Bauman,G., Livny,Y., El-Sana J.: GPU-Based Adaptive-Subdivision for View-Dependent Rendering
  • Taibo,J., Seoane,A., Hernández,A.: Dynamic Virtual Textures
  • Lerbour,R., Marvie,J.-E., Gautron,P.: Adaptive Streaming and Rendering of Large Terrains: A Generic Solution
  • Hussain,M.: Memoryless Simplification using Normal Deviation
  • Session B

  • Emelyanov,A., Astakhov,Y.: Repairing Heavy Damaged CAD-models
  • Jenke,P., Huhle,B., Straßer,W.: Statistical Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes
  • Boesch,J., Pajarola,R.: Flexible Configurable Stream Processing Of Point Data
  • Orthmann,J., Salama,Ch.R., Kolb,A.: Responsive Grass
  • Session C

  • Latapie,S.: Hybrid sort-first/sort-last rendering for dense material particle systems
  • Parys,R., Knittel,G.: Giga-Voxel Rendering from Compressed Data on a Display Wall
  • Gobithaasan,R.U.,Jamaludin,M.A., Miura,K.T.: The Elucidation of Planar Aesthetic Curves
  • Roth,A., Juhasz,I.: Quadrilateral mesh generation from point cloud by Monte Carlo method
  • Schwartz,Ch., Degener,P., Klein,R.: Interactive Editing of Upholstered Furniture
  • Session D

  • Malik,M.M., Heinzl,Ch., Gröller,M.E,: Computation and Visualization of Fabrication Artifacts
  • Holland,J., Semwal,S.K.: Flocking Boids with Geometric Vision, Perception and Recognition
  • Pribyl,J.,Zemcik,P.: User Motion Prediction in Large Virtual Environments
  • Lipski,C., Berger,K., Magnor,M.: vIsage - A visualization and debugging framework for distributed system applications
  • Hermann,M., Greß,A., Klein,R.: Interactive Exploration of Large Event Datasets in High Energy Physics
  • Session E

  • Lister,W., Laycock,R.G., Day,A.M.: Geometric Diversity for Crowds on the GPU
  • Sunyong,P., Kyoungsu,O.: GPU-Only Height Field Rendering For Arbitrary Views
  • Marzat,J., Dumortier,Y., Ducrot,A.: Real-Time Dense and Accurate Parallel Optical Flow using CUDA
  • Sharma,O., Anton,F.: CUDA based Level Set Method for 3D Reconstruction of Fishes from Large Acoustic Data
  • Session F

  • Glanznig,M., Malik,M.M., Gröller,M.E.: Locally adaptive marching cubes through iso-value variation
  • Wenger,S., Fernandez,A., Morisset,J.C., Magnor,M.: Algebraic 3D Reconstruction of Planetary Nebulae
  • Csébfalvi,B., Domonkos,B.: Prefiltered Gradient Reconstruction for Volume Rendering
  • Radziszewski,M., Boryczko,K., Alda,W.: An Improved Technique for Full Spectral Rendering
  • Lim,T., Ryu,,J. Jeong,J.: Selective Deblocking Method Using a Tranform Table of Different Dimension DCT
  • Jeon,Y.M., Lee,B.G., Lee,M.B., Yoon,J.H.: k-Nearest Moving Least Square Approximation using Gaussian Function
  • Session H

  • Bauer,F., Stamminger,M., Meister,M.: Reconstructing Indoor Scenes with Omni-Cameras
  • Pathan,S.S., Al-Hamadi,A., Michaelis,B.: Feature-supported Multi-hypothesis Framework for Multi-object Tracking using Kalman Filter
  • Kyriazis,I., FudosI., PaliosL.: Extracting CAD Features from Point Cloud Cross-sections
  • Reif,R., Guenther,W.A.: Pick-by-Vision: An Augmented Reality supported Picking System
  • Session K

  • Michikawa,T., Nakazaki, S., Suzuki, H.,: Efficient Medial Voxel Extraction for Large Volumetric Models
  • Eissele,M., Sanftmann,H., Ertl, T.: Interactively Refining Object-Recognition System
  • Rustico,E.: Low cost finger tracking for a virtual blackboard
  • Elmezain,M., Al-Hamadi,A., Michaelis,B.: A Novel System for Automatic Hand Gesture Spotting and Recognition in Stereo Color Image Sequences
  • Al-Hamadi,A., Niese,R., Michaelis,B.: Static and Dynamic Methods for Facial Expression Recognition in Color Image Sequences
  • Session L

  • Yoon,S.M., Malerczyk,C., Graf,H.: 3D Skeleton Extraction from Volume Data Based on Normalized Gradient Vector Flow
  • Engell-Norregard,M., Erleben K.: Estimation of Joint Types and Joint Limits from Motion Capture Data
  • Baudet,V., Beuve,M., Jaillet,F., Shariat,B., Zara,F.: Integrating Tensile Parameters in Hexahedral Mass-Spring System for Simulation
  • Schlattmann,M., Na Nakorn,T., Klein,R.: 3D Interaction Techniques for 6 DOF Markerless Hand-Tracking
  • Nestler,S., Huber,M., Echtler,F., Dollinger,A., Klinker,G.: Development and evaluation of a virtual reality patient simulation (VRPS)
  • Stanek,S.: Simple emphatic user interface
  • Session SH1

  • Zemcík,P., Maršík,L., Herout,A.: Point Cloud Rendering in FPGA
  • Löffler,F., Rybacki,S., Schumann,H.: Error-bounded GPU-based terrain visualisation
  • Vergeest,J.S.M., Song,Y.: Fitting freeform multi-parameter shapes to 3D data points - A case study
  • Puig-Centelles,A., Varley,P.A.C., Ripolles,O., Chover,M.: Automatic Terrain Generation with a Sketching Interface
  • Beran,V., Herout,A., Reznicek,I.: Video-Based Bicycle Detection in Underground Scenarios
  • Ren,G., Yang,X.: Blind Mesh Watermarking Based On the Featured Points In the Frequency Domain
  • Han,D., Yang,X.: A Novel Robust 3D Mesh Watermarking Ensuring the Human Visual System
  • Session SH2

  • Sisojevs,A., Krechetova,K., Glazs,A.: 3D Modeling of Free-Form Objects
  • Knuth,M.,Kohlhammer,J.: A Hybrid Ambient Occlusion Technique for Dynamic Scenes
  • Yang,X., Xu,D.-Q.,Zhao,L.: Realtime Ray Tracing on GPU with improved octree
  • Garnier,L., Belbis,B., Foufou,S.: Conversion of biquadratic rational Bézier surfaces into patches of particular Dupin cyclides: the torus and the double sphere
  • Haindl,M. Hatka,M.: Generalized Roller
  • Yasmin,S., Talib,A.Z.: Shape Transformation of Multiple Objects Using Slices
  • Lefer,W.: Vision Aware Continuum Crowds
  • Session SH3

  • Mlích,J., Zemèík,P., Jiøík,L.: Trajectory classification using HMMs
  • Schoor,W., Seidl,T., Bollenbeck,F., Seiffert,U., Preim,B., Mecke,R.: Efficient Semiautomatic Segmentation of Plant Biological Objects Based on Live-wire Methods
  • Benger,W., Ritter,M., Acharya,S., Roy,S., Jijao,F.: Fiberbundle-based visualization of a Stir Tank Fluid
  • Cabral,I.P.S., Gonçalves,L.M.G., XavierJ.C.Jr.: WEB GIS by Ajax for Analysis and Control of Environmental Data
  • Aguiar,C.R.S., Druon,S., Crosnier,A.: Pairwise Region-based scan alignment
  • Lee,S.-H., Han,S.-I., Kang,M.G.: Object Detection in Low Illumination Environment
  • Kim,K.R., Lee,B.G., Yoo,H.: Improvement of the DOI Technique for De-Interlacing
  • Session P1

  • Rachkovskaya,G., Kharabayev,Yu.: POSTER: Geometric modeling and computer graphics of kinematic ruled surfaces on the base of complex moving one axoid along another (one-sheet hyperboloid of revolution as fixed and moving axoids)
  • Liu,Y., Laycock,S.D.: POSTER: The Force-Map Haptic Rendering Algorithm for Drilling into Volume Data
  • Sisojevs,A., Glazs,A.: POSTER: Efficient approach to direct B-spline surface rendering by a ray tracing
  • Ji,S.-H., Park,S.-H., Ryu,D.-S., Cho,H.-G.: POSTER: A Visualization and Management System for Chat Dialogues on 3D Virtual Avatars
  • Kovacs,L.: POSTER: Seamless NPR Video Painting
  • Nishio,K. Takebayashi,Y. Teshima,Y. Kanaya,T. Kobori,K.: POSTER: Information Transformation for Point Cloud
  • Alizadehashrafi,B., Coors,V., Schulz,T.: POSTER: 3D Navigation Systems based on Synthetic Texturing
  • Cui,X., Yang,X.: POSTER: Based on the adaptive noise three-dimensional mesh digital watermark removal algorithms
  • Session P2

  • Prado,J. ,Lobo,J., Dias,J.: POSTER: Robotic Visual and Inertial Gaze Control using Human Learning
  • Ghazvini,M., Monadjemi,S.A.H., Movahhedinia,N., Jamshidi,K.: POSTER: Tile Surface Inspection Using Wavelet Transform and Statistical Features
  • Kwon,J.H., Lee,B.G., Yoon,J., Lee,J.: POSTER: Image Deformation using Radial Basis Function Interpolation
  • Stoeva,M.T., Bozhikova,V.T.: POSTER:Invariant to Transformations Image Retrieval from Image Databases using a Boundary Based Description of Object Shape
  • Gulhane,V., Thakare,V.M.: POSTER: A Robust Invariant Curvature Scale Space based Rcognition Algorithm for Shape Based Trademark Recognitin
  • Zinger,S., Ruijters,D., de With,P.H.N.: POSTER: iGLANCE project: free-viewpoint 3D video
  • Hwang,J., Lim,D., Paik,D.: POSTER: A Composition-Based Image Retrieval Using Line Feature
  • Choung,Y., Kang,K.-K., Kim, D.: POSTER: Example Based Motion Generation with Efficient Control
  • Kobori,K., Hirose,K., Nishio,K.: POSTER: Automatic Generation of Motion Data by Objects Placement
  • Please, see: List of accepted papers - authors & titles

    Recommended activities of Friday - Sunday, February 6 - 8, 2009

    Plzen city offers many historical places and opportunities to visit

    or spend additional days visiting (all places are easy to reach by coaches - approx. 60 mins.):