PhD study with prof. Skala - Basic info

See my research profile at

PhD study in ENGLISH is FREE of tuition fee at the Faculty of Applied Sciences
(no tuition charge to information available).
The best applicant can apply for an additional financial support from the Department.

Living and traveling expenses are not generally supported.
A limited support for an accommodation is available upon application.

If PhD study is formally in the Czech language (basic Czech communication skill is expected),
there is a financial support from the University and the Department as well.
There are opportunities to join specific research/application projects and get some additional funding.

You get permission (you have to apply for it) to stay and be employed within the Czech Rep.,
when accepted for PhD study.

Information for application

If you are outside of the European Union zone, you probably need NOSTRIFICATION/Recognition
of your education level - this is a lengthy process, which approves your qualification.
It takes some time and should be made before the application for PhD study, as it is a BASIC condition.

Info on PhD study is available at
(new info will be available in early of the application year).

If you can communicate in Czech language (basic communication skill)
you can apply for PhD study in Czech (the final PhD Thesis is in ENGLISH anyway)
and you get financial funding from the University/Department and our government.

If yoiu have research publications indexed in Scopus or WoS/ISI-Clarivate or citing my research papers
it is significant positive argument within the admission.

Dates of application - next year similar dates are expected
CHECK the WEB site

1st round approx. 28.2.2024
2nd round approx. 31.5.2024
3rd round approx. 23.9.2024

Detailed information is available at (similar deadlines are expected next years - check the WEB site)

Research topics  with me

Algorithms and data structures for geometric problems
Geometric algebra and quantum computing
Methods of approximation of scattered scalar and vector data
Methods of visualization of large n-dimensional and t-variant data
Interpolation and approximation techniques for large geometric data
Methods of geometric and conformal geometry in computer graphics
Vector algorithms for computer graphics and data visualization

Expected results

Publications in established research journals indexed in WoS/ISI-Clarivate and/or Scopus or
in indexed conference proceedings (with oral physical presentation) of established research conferences,
i.e. CORE A, A+, B

Useful links:

Admission Procedure Information:    (select EN in the right-top menu)

International office:

Info on PhD at the Faculty of Applied Sciences:
Ing. Jaroslav Toninger    Subj. PhD study <name , country>

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
(if you need additional information from the CSE department)    Subj. PhD study <name , country>

Prof. Vaclav Skala subject: PhD study
