Flowgorithm - Libraries & Examples 

  CHINA MALASIA              


Please, see first:


The Flowgorithm is a brilliant tool for teaching and verification of simple algorithms.
It splits the algorithm design from actual coding and enables to concentrate on algorithm specifications.

Why Flowgorithm should be used  in education and in general:

  • it is easy to design and verify algorithms using a native user interaction
  • it uses Flow Charts approach, i.e. graphical representation
  • it is a desktop application, i.e. independent on the Internet and/or WEB services available
  • it is a FREE tool for teaching algorithms without need of learning specific programming language.
    (can be easily downloaded from http://www.flowgorithm.org and installed)
  • when algorithm is designed, it is possible to verify its functionality, without going into code of a specific programming language
  • the code generation to several programming languages or scripts is automatically
  • it can store data to a file using output console window frame
    (unfortunately just output after the program ends)
  • reading data from a file is not supported, but vector of values can be read via console - see FAQ
Programming units are kept ordered by a name - it is recommended to name "sub-libraries" by "Z..." to keep them back
Limitations, currently known (see FAQ ) for some hints and available solutions how to obey some limitations
  • no external functions, libraries are supported, however, it is easy to include the relevant library  in the generated program
  • functions - non-indexed parameters are called by a "value", i.e. if changed in the function, the value in the calling sequence is not changed; similarly for procedures, indexed parameters (arrays) are called by a "reference" and can be used as output values as well.
  • two dimensional arrays (tables) are not supported, however a possible solution is available - see Arrays2D
  • output uses "proportional font type", i.e. there is a different width of characters, might be causing some problems in 2D formatted output; a limited support is available, see below
  • formatted output is not available, i.e. output with specified number positions, e.g. ddd.dd;
    a limited support is available, see below
  • output can be slow in some cases, especially if formatted output using additional libraries is required
  • no graphical output is available, e.g. for drawing etc.
  • flowchart printing - only print of all parts is supported; recommendation - select PDF printer and then print just selected pages.

Additional extensions (development in progress), are available at:

Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic

Created: 2017-05-31        Last update: 2020-08-20